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Link Roundup: July 2, 2016


Since I was on the road for 3 days, I don’t have a lot of links this time around. I hope I’ve made up for the quantity with some quality!


  * [Conservatives have groomed the perfect suckers for Trump's epic scam]( -- Not a terribly new take on the Trump phenomenon, but one worth reading anyway.


  * [The myth of millennial entitlement was created to hide their parents' mistakes]( -- It's true, too. It wasn't millennials who wrecked the economy, but it is millennials who are having to make the extra effort to cope with it--and we/they are.


  * [My four months as a private prison guard]( -- A Mother Jones journalist undertakes a lengthy exposé to determine the state of private prisons in America. What he finds is worse than you might expect.