I’m on a plane right now! But that’s not gonna stop me from linking stuff.
* [Microsoft and Canonical partner to bring Ubuntu to Windows 10](http://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-and-canonical-partner-to-bring-ubuntu-to-windows-10/) -- What a time to be alive.
* [Here's where to download OpenToonz, Studio Ghibli's free animation software](http://www.cartoonbrew.com/tech/heres-download-opentoonz-studio-ghiblis-free-animation-software-138465.html) -- Time to make some animated movies, right?
* [Sorry Bernie bros, your candidate just doesn't have the foreign policy experience necessary to prop up a pro-Western dictatorship](http://www.clickhole.com/blogpost/sorry-bernie-bros-your-candidate-just-doesnt-have--4201) -- Satire, but it made me chuckle.
* [Barney Frank is not impressed by Bernie Sanders](http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/interrogation/2016/03/barney_frank_is_not_impressed_by_bernie_sanders.html) -- Some have called Frank a party shill over this, although I wouldn't. I tend to agree with him.
* [This election's best pundit is a fake columnist named Carl Diggler](http://splitsider.com/2016/03/this-elections-best-pundit-is-a-fake-columnist-named-carl-diggler/) -- Hadn't heard about him until now but this is some hilarious stuff.
* [Carl Diggler exclusive: I officially challenge Nate Silver to a forecasting duel](http://www.cafe.com/numbers-coward-nate-silver-hides-many-failures/) -- An example of "The Dig"'s brilliance.
* [Nintendo employee "terminated" after smear campaign over censorship, company denies harassment was factor](http://kotaku.com/nintendo-employee-terminated-after-smear-campaign-over-1768100368) -- It sure takes a brave company to respond to a hate mob by throwing their target under the bus.
* [San Andreas streaming deer cam](http://www.sanandreasanimalcams.com/) -- Did I link this before? I don't care. Endless fun. Enjoy it.
* [Proof that Vincent D'Onofrio is a shape-shifter](http://www.buzzfeed.com/alannabennett/is-your-face-a-conspiracy#.mw3BgZGvE) -- Seriously. That guy is everywhere.
Social Justice
* [Study shows that pay drops universally in male-dominated fields when women join en masse](http://www.themarysue.com/women-work-pay-drops-for-everyone-which-is-stupid/) -- Is it because of a new influx of labor, or other (sexist) reasons? Hmmm. Of course, you get a gender pay gap regardless.
* [Five reasons it's difficult to explain racism to casual racists](http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-reasons-you-cant-convince-anyone-that-theyre-racist/) -- Actually a pretty decent piece from _Cracked._