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In New Orleans


Surprise: I’ve been in New Orleans since Friday.

Through the magic of technology, I’m writing this on Thursday before I’ve even left home. What will New Orleans be like? Will I enjoy it? I suspect I will!

The main reason I mention it is because I’m not sure if I’ll do any weekday posts about it. I might, depending on what comes to mind while I’m there and after. I wouldn’t do so until after Monday, though, because I get back late that night.

I’m on the fence about doing New Orleans posts since the last time I made posts about a trip away from home (when I went to Scotland), they were very poorly received and continue to rank among my least popular posts ever. That may be less to do with the fact of me posting about a trip and more down to what, specifically, I’m posting about. There are certainly a lot of interesting topics I could get into regarding New Orleans, so maybe that will work out better. In my customary fashion, I will decide at the last minute, so you’ll find out soon after I do.

Another thing I’ve neglected to mention but which comes to mind with some regularity is overhauling the category system here. To put it bluntly: it sucks. I didn’t know what various topics I might want to write about when I started it, and then I began assigning each post, usually to multiple categories, and I’m not convinced it’s useful when set up that way. What I will probably do is go through my posts, determine one category for each post, and then reassign all of them. I also never made use of the tagging system, but with the related posts feature doing a pretty good job of lining up further reading, I figure I don’t need it. The category thing just irks me.

In any case, you may hear something further about New Orleans come Tuesday. If not, you’ll know I didn’t really think of anything worthwhile to say.

Have a good week! And stay cool, if you’re in one of the various places dealing with heat waves right now (like me).